…This book is one of those that are not read these books make us think and think again about what they are telling us. They have their special, so to say, ”inner” contents, or even better, they have their “essence”. That is why, when confronted with any line of this book: when a sentence is being defined, or when an aphorism is flashing or when an entire theorem is exposed, we have to stop and, of course — we have to think. That is hard “weaving”. There are many interlocked “threads“ of a colorful human existence — we can feel the hard
work of thinking: How to enlighten and explain a thought in all of its details, how to turn it into a whole?
Well, this is a book which deeply, like an exploring drill, penetrates into archeological strata and ”rings“ of the evolution of man into the Man
whose destiny is to wear a martyr‘s crown of thorns like Prometheus and Jesus to think about everything but to accept nothing as final, to go around like Kafka in his one act play “Flight around the light of inscription”…
Writers, naturally, write to be read, but our Milan Dragović writes to make readers think! He knows: reading just to read is fun, but reading which “tortures” his/her reader and pushes him to continue the text by his/her own monologue or by his/her own internal dialogue following the principle “pro et contra“ — that is the true pedagogy of humanism.
There isn’t any — we can rightfully say — “corner” of human or social life where Milan, in this great philosophical hexalogy hasn’t at
least “peeked into”.
With this book Milan Dragović enrolls himself — conditionally, of course among “omniscients”. In Schopenhauer‘s opinion, every title is “a monogram of contents”, accordingly, three-volumed prism “Theorems”, “Aphorisms” and “Maxims” reflects a true kaleidoscope of endless “spitting images”… Milan created a wise book not only of questions but also of answers, he fought with the absurd and dark supernatural forces, he enlightened the horizon with Hope, he separated the gold of crops from the cockle of delusions, he fought using the truth
— and nothing but the truth — precisely for the Man!
From the review of the book by
dr Miodrag D. Ignjatović
Instead of being an interest in itself –
Today‘s truth is a belief in service of interests.
The form of things is only their form –
The emptiness of things is their essence.
People can be called whatever they want:
But everybody has fought for the meaning of his name.
Defeating is the silence of the numb for every spoken word.
The blind put us to shame because we can see what we do.
The deaf listen to the cry of our soul…
Will love save the world? If we have no faith
how can we live?!
An extremely frank man provokes shivering and admiration like the blade of a
katana, before which a lie, by making sacrifice at the altar of truth, seeks its
liberation, while, in the cold glow of the blade, the soul seeks the
flames of fire for its purification.
Life is a miracle! When a day is over, at the same time we have one more day of our life and one day less.
“Silence on all those whose love is not stroger than their power of speech!“
(Note: the book is not yet translated into English)